Outpatient Statistics 2010

This is the third entry in our overview series of healthcare statistics in the United States. If you missed the first two, you can find them here: Physician Office Visit Statistics 2010, and here: Inpatient Statistics 2010.

As the title suggests, this entry will focus in on utilization rates from 2010 for Outpatient visits for the country as a whole.

NOTE: You can click on any of the images below to see the full report image.

The table above illustrates the total number of Outpatient visits for the United States in 2010, broken down by age group.  The overall Outpatient visit rate for the country is one visit for every 2.82 people.

The table above and below should be looked at in comparison to one another. The above graph shows the incident rate broken down by age group while the graph below represents the total volume of Outpatient visits by age group.

Notice how the overall utilization of Outpatient visits is highest in the 45-65 age group, but the rate of visits is highest in the 65-75 age group.  The disparity is due to a smaller population in the older age group.

The table below is an aggregation of the most frequent outpatient procedures.  It reveals the most likely cause for the majority of Outpatient visits.

By looking below at the race and a gender distribution, we are able to get a picture of which segments of the population account for the majority of Outpatient visits.

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