New Provider Category Added to MRA Professional

Stratasan has enhanced Market Reimbursement Analyzer with a new provider category. This new category provides reimbursement rates for healthcare professionals who do not fall into the existing categories of physicians or APPs. This is especially useful in service lines such as Behavioral Health and Physical Therapy, which typically are administered by providers with credentials distinct from those of a physician or APP. 

This enhancement was performed to allow the addition of claims from procedures known to be performed by neither a physician nor APP. As part of this enhancement, we also reclassified procedures for which the provider type could not be confirmed as MD or DO from “Physician” into the new “Other” category. No changes were made to the APP category. This latter change helps ensure that reimbursement rates included in the “Physician” category contain only Allopathic and Osteopathic Physicians – MDs and DOs.  

Category definitions now are as follows: 

MRA Category definitions

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