Success Stories

See Why Hospitals and Health Systems of All Sizes Choose Stratasan

Stratasan Data Used: Medicare and APCD

Learn how one national hospital system was able to identify a data-based strategy for improved alignment with the right physician partners.

Stratasan Tools Used: Launch Pathway and Storyboards

Learn how Lexington Medical Center has seen market share growth—from 55.6 percent up to 58.5 percent—over the last three years.

Stratasan Service Used: Strategic Planning and Advisory

Stratasan and Huggins Hospital partnered to create a focused strategy for growth, and gained buy-in across the organization in the process.

Stratasan Tools Used: Analytics Platform—Blackbird and Canvas

Is your internal data process failing you? For multi-state hospital systems in particular, there’s a compelling reason to switch to an outside analytics partner.

Stratasan Tools Used: Analytics Platform—Blackbird, Canvas, and Gallery

Find out how, with Stratasan’s team and software tools, the largest hospital systems in the country have been able to strategically plan and grow at a level that were never before possible.

Stratasan Service Used: Spark Services and the Micro-Targeting Report

Read how Tanner Health has been able to more successfully promote their services and track the results of their outreach through advanced market segmentation. 

Stratasan Tools Used: Launch Pathway, Storyboards, and Insights

Coryell Health uses Stratasan’s tools to make strategic market decisions, measure ROI, and ensure they’re achieving their service line growth goals. 

Stratasan Tools Used: Analytics Platform—Blackbird, Canvas, and Gallery

Find out how, with Stratasan’s team and software tools, the largest hospital systems in the country have been able to strategically plan and grow at a level that were never before possible.

Stratasan Service Used: Spark Services and the Micro-Targeting Report

Read how Tanner Health has been able to more successfully promote their services and track the results of their outreach through advanced market segmentation.